What is eth waterloo

what is eth waterloo

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Rabbithole Quests and the future. Or perhaps other events happening. Fireside chat with Vitalik Pragma. Event Fri, Jun 23 - to explore.

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ETHGlobal Waterloo 2023 Weekend Recap
ETHGlobal Waterloo gathers blockchain visionaries, developers, and enthusiasts to explore Ethereum's future and decentralized applications. Waterloo is not just another hackathon for us. The city near Toronto has been the stage for our humble beginnings and the birthplace of many. ETHWaterloo is the world's largest Ethereum hackathon. It will bring many of the most talented hackers and developers from across the world to build.
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See you at the next hackathon! We value the participation of each member of the student community and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Step 3: Refresh the page and ensure you also connect to our Discord server! We'll bring together industry experts, companies pushing the way forwards in this space, and handle all the event details; all you need to do is come prepared to learn fast and ready to build something great. You can reach out to other participants in the find-a-team channel in Discord to connect Additionally, we will be running calls to facilitate Team Formation � please keep an eye on the Discord channels for an update on this!