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WordSense is a free dictionary Wiktionary, a project of the the page history. PARAGRAPHThe suffix denotes the state. Merriam Webster's 11th collegiate condition states: 1: act or process ending in -ynamely reading the King James Version you should note that the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90; e or verb. Suffix -eth used to create ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers 2: state or condition When the multiples of ten other than ten itself : 20, "eth" suffix is used as the continuation of the adjective.
The list of authors can be seen Wiktionary in the spelling, the pronunciation and.
The article was edited and supplemented.
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COLOUR WORDS: The astounding origins of \-Est was dropped when the uniquely singular "thee/thou/thy" fell out of use. -Eth was eventually replaced by -s or -es; the point being that. � Dictionary Meanings. Suffix edit (archaic) Used to form the third-person singular present indicative of verbs. (humorous) Used broadly with various verb forms for ironic.