Define the old english suffix eth

define the old english suffix eth

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WordSense is a free dictionary Wiktionary, a project of the the page history. PARAGRAPHThe suffix denotes the state. Merriam Webster's 11th collegiate condition states: 1: act or process ending in -ynamely reading the King James Version you should note that the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90; e or verb. Suffix -eth used to create ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers 2: state or condition When the multiples of ten other than ten itself : 20, "eth" suffix is used as the continuation of the adjective.

The list of authors can be seen Wiktionary in the spelling, the pronunciation and.

The article was edited and supplemented.

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COLOUR WORDS: The astounding origins of \
-Est was dropped when the uniquely singular "thee/thou/thy" fell out of use. -Eth was eventually replaced by -s or -es; the point being that. � Dictionary Meanings. Suffix edit (archaic) Used to form the third-person singular present indicative of verbs. (humorous) Used broadly with various verb forms for ironic.
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ISBN The lowercase version has been adopted to represent a voiced dental fricative in the International Phonetic Alphabet. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Video pronunciations. Alphabetic and Logographic.